Patient Online is an NHS England programme designed to support GP Practices to offer and promote on line services to patients including the option to make and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions and view their electronic medical record, using their computer, tablet or smartphone rather than having to phone or visit their practice. Online services will complement and not replace the existing way patient’s access appointments, prescriptions and their records i.e. by telephone, visiting the Practice.
The Practice already offers patients Online Access to make and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions but from 1st April 2015 patients can view their medical record online. Not all records will be available – you will be able to see your medication, any appointments made, allergies, adverse reactions, results of blood tests, immunisations and vaccinations and your medical problems. If you decide to use the medical record facility on line and you feel that any of the information is incorrect, you should contact the Practice in order that any errors can be rectified.
The medical information online will include everything in your computerised records but occasionally there can be information in your historical paper records that has not been transferred over i.e. child vaccinations in 8 year olds.
If you already use Online Access to make appointments or order repeat prescriptions, you will need to come into the Practice to sign an application form so that the medical records option can be activated on the clinical system.
Any new patients will be unable to have the medical records facility until they have been registered at the Practice for three months, as it takes time for records to be received and checked for accuracy before they are uploaded onto the computer system.
If you wish to know more about Online Access, please see the Patient online information leaflet. Patients can also call in at the Practice to collect the information.
When applying for registration details, you will have to provide identification i.e. photo ID and proof of residence.
You do not have to use all the facilities offered. Only tick the box of the online services you wish to have access to. You will be given a letter with details of how to register online. You will go to and click on Register in the Register Box. You will then be asked the question ‘Have you received a registration letter from your practice?’ to which you should answer Yes. Enter the registration details shown and click next to enter your name, date of birth and to choose a password. You will use this password to sign in when using the facility. Security questions will also be asked. The letter also gives you details on how to sign in and what to do if you forget your sign in details.
When you have received your registration information, this will only be valid for a limited period of time so please register before the date stipulated.
Contact Details
Main line: 01538 753771
Dispensary line: 01538 751415
Fax number: 01538 752557
Frequently asked questions (DOCX, 14KB)
Information leaflet - It's your choice (DOCX, 39KB)